Alex Serra & TotiDub

Alex Serra is a musician and explorer from Barcelona, a city located on the Mediterranean Sea. His debut album “In the Real World” (2019) is the result of an inspiring four-year exploratory journey that began in 2012 and took him to Latin America and South Africa. There, he connected with musicians from various musical backgrounds, infusing his music with unique and rejuvenating energy.

Totidub is a master of dub production and music programming, fundamental to understanding the sound of La Fournier, the home where Dusminguet’s albums were first created, and later La Troba Kung-Fú. 🦋 Alex and Toti met through a mutual friend and immediately connected. They began a year-long exploration of sounds in a farmhouse turned musical laboratory. Together, they recreate the atmosphere of nature using samples that Alex captured during his travels, interweaving them with electronic beats in Afro-Latin rhythms, soulful and African guitars, and excellent use of dub textures and effects.
“Wake up from a dream and look around you.
Look around you see
What’s been missing for you to do.
And let go of that veil that’s stopping you,
From connecting to everything you knew,
Everything you know.
Stop paying attention
To the things that make you tired,
Things that make you bored now.
Now now now now
The Power is yours, you are responsible
For every situation you create
Stop fighting the system,
The new liberation comes from the Silence in you
I’ll meet you there, in the New World
And I found my soul, in the Real World
I’ll meet you there, in the Real World”